Privacy Policy

Astral Acrobatics are committed to keeping all gymnast’s and parent’s personal data safe, secure, and confidential. Our privacy policy sets out any personal data we will collect from, or that you provide to us, and how that data will be processed and used.

As data controllers, we are committed to being responsible and compliant under the data protection law and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

1. Data Collection

Whilst registering and throughout your child’s time at Astral Acrobatics, we will collect data pertaining to gymnastics regarding their:

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Date of Birth
  • Medical History
  • Current Health Conditions
  • Parents/Guardians/Carers Contact Details
  • Class Attendance
  • Gymnastic Achievements
  • Communications between Parents/Guardians/Carers and Astral Acrobatics
  • Consent to take photographs or videos for training, social media, or promotional purposes.

2. Use of Data

  • 2.1Contractual Purposes
  • To provide the gymnastics classes and any further gymnastic based activities requested for the child/ren.
  • To communicate to the parents/guardians/carers about gymnastics classes and any further gymnastic based activities.
  • To update the parents/guardians/carers about any changes made to our terms and conditions.
  • To process payments.
  • 2.2 Legitimate Interests
  • To be able to carry out our risk assessments.
  • To be able to determine if it would be suitable for the child/ren to
  • participate in gymnastics safely.
  • To identify and make suitable adjustments to our approaches to coaching gymnastics if the child/ren has a medical/health condition.
  • To be able to respond to any queries, comments, or complaints made by parents/guardians/carers.
  • To keep an accurate record of gymnasts class attendance and emergency contact details in the case of a fire or other emergencies.
  • To take photographs or videos for training, social media, or promotional purposes.
  • To be able to provide information about a gymnast whilst partaking in both internal and external competitions.
  • 2.3 Marketing, Social Media, and Newsletters
  • Images and videos of gymnasts may be used on our Facebook and Instagram page in order to both promote the club and to keep current members and parents/guardians/carers informed about the club.
  • Newsletters may be sent out to inform parents/guardians/carers about upcoming competitions, workshops, extra classes, and events that relate to Astral Acrobatics.
  • Data will not be shared with third parties with any other organisations for marketing purposes.
  • 2.4 Legal Obligations
  • Astral Acrobatics have a duty of care to all gymnasts as we need to ensure that all children are training in a safe environment. Therefore it is imperative that the parents/guardians/carers inform the club of any medical conditions or injuries their child/ren have or have sustained.

3. How Data is Stored and Protected

  • Email communications are password protected and only accessible by the Head Coach.
  • During classes, limited data may be able to be seen by other coaches on the password protected club iPad via the ClassForKids app, which we use for registers and our badge system. The limited data shown will be any medical details and contact information.
  • Registration forms are completed online via ClassForKids and can only be accessed by the Head Coach.

4. Data Sharing

  • With consent, data will be shared with British Gymnastics in order for the club to arrange entries into competitions.
  • Data may also need to be shared with Insurance Intermediaries or Underwriters in order for the club to arrange suitable insurance cover for club members, club coaches, and equipment.

5. Your Rights

  • Parents/guardians/carers of their child/ren registered to Astral Acrobatics has the right to see the personal data the club holds on their child/ren in both paper and digital form.
  • Parents/guardians/carers can request to make amendments to the data the club holds if there are inaccuracies.
  • If a gymnast leaves or is withdrawn from Astral Acrobatics, the club will erase their data within a two-year period.
  • Accounting and financial records are exempt from this two-year rule as these records must be retained for six years under UK tax laws. The right to request deletion of this data can be made before the six years are up, unless there is a lawful or legitimate reason that the club needs to hold onto this data.