Terms & Conditions

Club Rules

  • All gymnasts must have British Gymnastics membership in order to attend sessions. A parent/guardian must arrange this via the British Gymnastics website here: https://www.british-gymnastics.org/memberships
  • No spectators will be allowed in the hall. This is due to space restrictions and to ensure gymnasts can remain focused. We hope to do a termly display whereby spectators can enter the hall to watch their child perform the skills they have been working on recently. You can also keep up to date with what we’ve been doing in lessons by following us on instagram and facebook.
  • Please ensure you and your child are familiar with and abide by the Gymnast’s Code of Conduct Policy.
  • Gymnasts arriving for their class whilst another class is finishing may wait quietly in the hall around the outer edge. This is to ensure a prompt start time for their class.
  • When collecting your child, please wait in the corridor outside the sports hall. Children will be dismissed to you by a senior member of staff whom will ensure each child has gone with their parent/guardian. Only children aged 11+ with written permission from a parent/guardian can leave the premises unaccompanied.
  • Due to the quick turn around of classes, it is important for parents to understand that they may not be able to speak to the head coach regarding any issues after their child’s session. Any issues should initially be sent in writing to hello@astralacrobatics.co.uk where the head coach can deal with it accordingly.
  • Please respect the communal areas of the building (i.e toilets, changing rooms etc) and leave things as you found them and take any rubbish home with you or dispose of it accordingly.
  • Please ensure you keep your contact information up to date and notify us via email of any changes.
  • Any reoccurring behavioural issues will be discussed with the parents and if no improvement is shown, may result in temporary or permanent exclusion from the club. This is to ensure our members feel safe coming to gymnastics and can continue to enjoy their time at the club.

Gymnast Code of Conduct Policy

Here at Astral Acrobatics, we want everyone’s experience to be a highly enjoyable one. Therefore, we expect our members to uphold to the following standards of discipline:

  • Gymnasts must arrive ready to start their session on time. This does not mean arriving to the venue at the designated session start time. Late arrivals cause disruption to the session and pose a health and safety issue if gymnasts are late for the warm up.
  • Please ensure your child has been to the toilet before their session. This massively helps ensure the sessions remain smooth running. Gymnasts needing toilet breaks during an acrobatic session is particularly disruptive since other gymnasts have to wait for their partner(s) to return before they can continue working.
  • Gymnasts must have long hair tied up (ideally in a bun or plaits). Loose hair poses a major safety risk for both the gymnast and the coaches. Furthermore, due to the nature of acrobatics, it poses a risk to the fellow gymnasts they are working with.
  • Clothing must be of appropriate gymnastic attire. Leotards or 2 pieces are ideal. Gymnasts can of course wear a club hoodie, t shirt, shorts or leggings with their leotard if they choose to do so, providing these don’t limit range of movement or the gymnast(s) ability to perform skills.
  • Gymnasts must not wear jewellery when taking part in gymnastics. If earrings cannot be taken out, they must be covered up with plasters before arriving for their session.
  • Due to the nature of the sport, gymnasts must of course be open to working with others to perform acrobatic skills and treat their partner(s) with respect and kindness.
  • Respect must be shown to coaches at all times. Gymnasts must listen and follow instructions given to them by their coach and not to go on any equipment until told to do so.
  • Gymnasts are expected to show good behaviour and follow the club rules at all times.